Sobre nós

Milestones of history

1978, the 1st of July
Establishment of the company
“There were the «old days», first as a teenager I would day dream as I passed by the different company buildings. Then as a young engineer at the first Ministry of the Environment, my true desire in wanting to take action and develop measurement devices came to life, by creating a business and helping implement public environmental policies into the private sector. Then my wish came true: the 1st of July 1978, Environnement S.A was born, to develop automatic atmospheric pollution measurement instruments, for a better understanding of the level it had reached in large urban areas, and its effects on public health.”
François Gourdon, President & Founder
Acquisition of Saphymo/Thomson Instrumentation Department
globally ahead in beta attenuation technology for ambient air and dust emission measurements, opening an immediate access to the institutional and regulatory markets
Acquisition of the Industrial Analysis department of Sereg Schlumberger
opening the way to the industrial world of analysis and regulation: combustion control, process supervision, exhausts gas analysis…
1st Strategy Prize
presented by the French Prime Minister Michel Rocard, as part of the ‘Entreprendre’ exhibition of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Creation of the Emission business division
offering a complete range of multi-gas monitors for the continuous measurement & reporting of stack pollutants
1991 (April)
National Order of Merit
In the French Senate, Simone Veil awarded the French National Order of Merit to François Gourdon: “Our action for the environment has the same will, she stated, long before these concerns came into fashion”.
1991 (December)
Acquisition of the Water Analysis department of the Compagnie Générale des Eaux
followed by the creation of the Hydro-environnement subsidiary, manufacturing real-time water quality monitoring stations installed on rivers for the protection of water treatment plants
EURO-PME trophy
organised by the Les Echos newspaper and Crédit Lyonnais, the first european trophy to reward export development initiatives
1993 (June 13th)
National Export Oscar
from the hands of Gérard Longuet, Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, for the “best international vocation”
Creation of the Italian subsidiary
As the group’s first subsidiary, Environnement Italia Spa – today ENVEA Spa – has quickly established itself as a major player on the ambient, emissions, and recently, on the highly competitive Process optimization market. Made up of a very competent and active team, the company managed to create partnerships with renowned companies and laboratories, as well as successfully imposing its presence in all the Italian provinces.
“Mercure d’or de l’Exportation” trophy
organised by the Yvelines-Val d’Oise Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Acquisition of Altech (Chicago, USA), a division of US Filter, operating since 1989
and establishment of the Group’s American subsidiary, Altech Environment USA, today ENVEA Inc. With extensive knowledge in the development of complete AQMS and CEMS turnkey systems for compliance with the US-EPA regulations, the subsidiary ensures the highest level of service and care to our esteemed customers.
French Legion of Honour
François Gourdon, President of the Company, Mayor of Villennes-sur-Seine and Chairman of Comité 21, has been awarded the highest French decoration for his triple involvement in the environment.
Acquisition of Cosma (France)
and launching of the Engine exhaust gas analysis range of monitors, to be used on raw gases (EGR), pre and/or post catalyst or on diluted gases (CVS) by Regulatory agencies, engine manufacturers and testing companies in every industry: automotive, aviation, marine, rail transport, Heavy-Duty On/Off-Road, Recreational and Utility Vehicles etc.
Absorption of SFI, a joint subsidiary with Comex nuclear
and development of the SPALAX range of products, under the French Atomic Energy Commission license, to detect radioactive particles and noble gases from nuclear explosions into the atmosphere
François Gourdon welcomes in Paris Bill Clinton
as president of Comité 21, the main French network of actors for sustainable development, This visit is linked to the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, the agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.
State visit in Tunisia with the President of France, Mr. Jacques Chirac
Deployment in France of hundreds of continuous emission monitoring systems
for the compliance of the incineration plants with the Waste Incineration directive (2000/76/EC), seting emission limit values and monitoring requirements for pollutants to air such as dust, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), heavy metals and dioxins and furans.
Public shares offered on the stock market
Euronext Growth Paris
French National Order of Merit
awarded by the Minister of the Environment, Nelly Olin to François Gourdon: “We’ve always wanted to oppose economics and ecology – but this company has proven that both go hand in hand.”
Acquisition of ISEO
developing since 1990 AQMS software for the French Air Quality monitoring network, ENVEA’s DATA branch holds nowadays a leading position in most countries as provider of data acquisition systems and regulatory reporting solutions for Ambient and industrial stack Emissions. Located in Bidard (South-west of France), ENVEA DATA are very open-minded and creative, and are not only technical specialists but also understand the business side of every project
Acquisition of BECKER / AMESA
developing since 1990 AQMS software for the French Air Quality monitoring network, ENVEA’s DATA branch holds nowadays a leading position in most countries as provider of data acquisition systems and regulatory reporting solutions for Ambient and industrial stack Emissions. Located in Bidard (South-west of France), ENVEA DATA are very open-minded and creative, and are not only technical specialists but also understand the business side of every project
State visit in Shanghai, China with Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France
Establishment of the Indian subsidiary
to strengthen the operations in India for the full benefit of valuable customers to provide advanced services, direct customer services and technical expertise, optimum cost effective solutions and direct access to local integrated AQMS and CEMS solutions, including data management.
With activities in India since the 1990’s, ENVEA India Pvt Ltd (formerly known as Environnement SA India Pvt. Ltd) has delivered and installed hundreds of air pollution monitoring networks in the different States, perfectly addressing Indian Government supportive measures and regulations to curb air pollution. Furthermore, through its continuous stack emissions monitoring being installed in a huge number of industries across the territory such as: chemical & petrochemical industries, cement plants, metal & paper mills, etc, ENVEA assists their effort to come closer to compliance and meet pollution reduction goals. The subsidiary counts today over 350 employees, India being currently the group’s third largest market.
Establishment of the Chinese subsidiary
in order to expand its operations in the Asian market.
Environnement China Ltd (today ENVEA China), established in Beijing, was created to better monitor the rapid and technical evolution of the emission measurement market for thermal power plants and incinerators. The ambient air activity, previously in the hands of exclusive distributors, was taken over in 2012 by ENVEA China, to ensure faultless technical support and post-sales services over the vast Chinese territory.
The local team ensures the complete conception and installation of the various turnkey solutions, especially to measure the air pollution in China and atmospheric emissions. ENVEA China regularly imposes itself with winning large orders due to on-site services and strong technical expertise. China is the group’s largest export market, and continues to open new doors that help expand the group’s activities.
Sustainable Development Prize
organised by the Moniteur du commerce international – MOCI – in partnership with BFM and La Tribune, rewarding companie’s significant sustainable development approach and international progress since its creation.
Acquisition of Cairpol
a French high-tech start-up developing high precision autonomous and portable micro-sensors to perform – in addition to conventional, reference air pollution analysers – site studies, mapping, monitoring of odorous gases and fugitive or accidental atmospheric emissions, and their impact on the environment.
Eco-Industries Export Dynamism Trophy
awarded by Oséo, Ubifrance and ADEME (Environment and Energy Control agency) to reward “ENVEA’s wonderful international success”.
Acquisition of the the Industrial Instrumentation branch of OTI Industrie
in Clermont-Ferrand, specialised in industrial instrumentation in the field of boiler room control and automation. This acquisition opened up new market segments and, in particular, small combustion plants, encouraging biomass recovery projects
A second prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise
PCME Ltd (today ENVEA UK) celebrated the formal presentation of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category for export achievements in the field of particulate emission monitoring.
Acquisition of PCME Ltd
a British company based in Cambridge, world leader in the supply of equipment for particulate measurement in industrial environments and dust leakage detection. This merger would provide the group with one of the most comprehensive and technologically advanced offerings, meeting the most demanding current and future regulations for all its customers worldwide.
Prize for innovation in environmental technologies
awarded by the French National Research Agency, the prize goes to the particulate monitor developed in collaboration with the CNRS for ground, balloon or UAV flights measurements.
COP 21 in Paris
ENVEA has launched its new series of environmental-friendly & connected air quality monitors, rewarded with an Oxygen Award, a prize devoted to air quality issues in the world’s major cities.
Growth Champion Prize
The strong growth of the business was hailed by the 2015 Champion prize of the FUTUR 40 ranking, awarded by Croissance-Plus and PME Finance. “The FUTUR 40 rewards and highlights the forty SMEs and mid-cap companies listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, which had the strongest profitable growth in the last three years and that would likely join the CAC40 in the future.”
2016 (July)
Acquisition of TDL Sensors Ltd
a spin-off from the University of Manchester had been working on the development of high-resolution laser gas analysers for ten years. The implementation of these new technologies would rapidly lead to highly innovative measuring devices that meet increasingly stringent international demands to reduce emissions, as well as devices for measuring atmospheric greenhouse gases.
Innovation Award
The e-Series of eco-designed air quality analysers won the technological prize list – in the Industrial Analysis category – awarded by the Mesures magazine.
2016 (October)
Acquisition of SWR engineering Messtechnik GmbH
headquartered in Germany near Freiburg, it came as a logical addition to the PCME range of instruments: flow measurement and flow monitoring of solids, level measurement, humidity measurement, dust and aggregate detection, etc. SWR has become a major player in process applications, enabling the group to strengthen its position in the market of industrial process optimisation and environmental impact reduction.
The Third Queen’s Award Success
PCME Ltd (today ENVEA UK) has been awarded a third Queen’s Award for Enterprise. This prestigious award recognises outstanding business achievement by UK organisations.
Global Award for Achievement in New Markets
ENVEA UK were delighted to jointly win the Award for Achievement in New Markets, one of four categories in the Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce Global Awards 2017.
Acquisition of Mercury Instruments GmbH
a German company world leader in mercury measurement for laboratories, food safety, industrial processes and environmental monitoring applications. The products developed there meet both the Minamata Convention on large mercury emitters – involving China, India and the United States – and the new European directives on thermal power plants and incinerators, which will impact this market from 2019-2020.
2018 has ben a significant year for the Group, marking both its 40th anniversary and its new name, ENVEA to unite its technologies, production sites and sales subsidiaries.
Saint-Louis d’or de l’Économie
presented by the president of the Yvelines department, the president of the Île-de-France region and Poissy’s Major to François Gourdon, Group’s President and Founder, to reward the growth of the Group.
ENVEA has re-commited to the French Business Climate Pledge initiative
which was highlighted at the annual gathering of the MEDEF, the leading network of entrepreneurs in France. 99 major French companies, accounting for 1.650 billion euros turnover and 6 million jobs worldwide, reaffirm the need to collectively change course by accelerating innovation and R&D through their investments in low-carbon solutions, in order to engage in a drastic reduction of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Inauguration of two new premises: for ENVEA UK and respectively for ENVEA Italy
ENVEA UK Ltd, leading specialists in the development, manufacture and supply of air quality particulate, industrial emission and velocity monitors, announce their relocation from St Ives to newly renovated premises in Swavesey, Cambridge, UK. A multi-million pound investment, this move sees ENVEA UK relocating the research, development and production of its award winning range of air quality and pollution monitoring equipment to new purpose designed facilities.

The company has also has inaugurated in Italy on October 1st larger facility necessary to meet company growth on the Italian market. These expansions help ENVEA meet existing customers requirements for increased production of turnkey air quality, process and emissions monitoring systems and will enable the company to further support new customers.

ENVEA / CARLYLE enters into exclusive negotiations
Following the public communication dated June 29, 2020, the ENVEA Group, together with its executives and its founder, are pleased to have initiated a process of buying back its shares on the market in partnership with Carlyle European Technology Partners.
The Group, which has exceeded the €100M milestone, is now entering a new stage of development while maintaining its current organization and management team.
This operation remains subject to the approval of the competent authorities. Its achievement will enable the ENVEA Group to benefit from extended financial capacities, in order to intensify its growth strategy both in France and internationally
ENVEA joins Carlyle
The Group joins the Carlyle Europe Technology Partners IV (CETP IV), a European arm of The Carlyle Group. ENVEA will continue to operate independently as a world-class manufacturer of ambient, emission and process monitoring systems. This will give ENVEA more flexibility to implement its long-term strategy.
CEO Appointment
Trevor Sands’ main mission will be to accelerate the company’s growth, both organic and inorganic. In particular, he will oversee and expand the ambitious international business development strategy which is a priority for the Group.
Acquisition of Hycontrol Ltd
a growing expert business headquartered in Redditch U.K and focused on level measurement, silo protection and foam control applications with a range of class leading products and applications across a wide range of industries.

Hycontrol’s reach will be extended by partnering with ENVEA’s global sales and distributor network, while the new technologies complement the existing ENVEA offering.  

Acquisition of California Analytical Instruments
Founded in 1981 and headquartered in California (USA), CAI designs and develops gas analyzers and emission-monitoring solutions for applications such as environmental and industrial emissions monitoring and engine test measurement. The addition of CAI will enable ENVEA to further build out its product range and footprint in the attractive market verticals which CAI operates, such as process industries including the emerging hydrogen economy.
Business Merger Announcement of A1-CBISS Limited and ENVEA UK Limited
Based in the UK, a1-cbiss, are a successful and long standing partner of ENVEA. Known for designing and integrating emissions monitoring systems supported by the industry’s largest service support network in the UK.

ENVEA UK customers will benefit from the merger thanks to the expansion of the experienced technical sales engineering team who assist customers with their compliance requirements with coverage now reaching the whole of the UK.