Low NOx emission control: ENVEA to equip new biomass power plant in French Guiana
CEMS | MIR 9000H
Voltalia is an international player in the renewable energies. In one of their recent biomass projects in Cacao, French Guiana, they have selected Berkes Company for the design, manufacture and assemble of the Power Plant boiler. It will generate 23 T/H of superheated steam at 68bar(a) and 485 °C. Berkes has a long experience in different types of biomass projects, having accomplished up to the date, more than 1200MWt in 17 countries from Europe and America.
The biomass Power Plant will generate electricity (5.1 MWe) using the heat produced by the combustion of organic materials such as wood waste locally sourced, and from neighbouring sawmills.

The biomass facility will feature DeNOx treatment systems. In order to comply with low-NOx emission regulations, Berkes has selected ENVEA to provide the CEMS monitoring solution, based on the field proven QAL1 certified MIR 9000H heated IR-GFC analyzer. It will monitor continuously flue gas flow emissions of SO2, NOx, CO, O2 and NH3.

The MIR 9000H can handle up to 12 gases and is specifically designed for corrosive and wet samples. The temperature is maintained at 180 °C from the sampling point to the measurement cell, preventing any sample loss or composition changes.

ENVEA’s CEMS solutions

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