Construction sites pollution monitoring

Construction | Cairnet

Constructing buildings, roads and other infra structure can have a substantial, temporary impact on local air quality. Airborne contaminants generated are spreading around in the surrounding neighborhood during activities (excavation, raw material extraction, demolition, transportation, painting, covering, concrete…), mostly carried by wind.

The main construction contaminants include PM10 & PM2.5 (polluted dust), VOCs (volatile organic compounds), gases such as CO, CO2, and NOx. Monitoring the air quality allows to anticipate risks and ensures that the applied mitigation measures are effective.

“We have installed a network of 8 Cairnet mini-stations on site and 4 inside the buildings under construction. The measured data is displayed in real time via the Caircloud® application allowing us to be responsive to prevent pollution and avoid financial penalties. Our relationship with vicinity is much better since and our health preserved.”

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